

  • 15
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:私营企业
  • 公司地址: 浙江省 温州 乐清市 乐成街道 乐清市乐成镇市岭生态工业园
  • 姓名: 方金成
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证已认证 微信已绑定


  • 所属行业:电气 工控电器 特殊/专业电源
  • 发布日期:2025-02-19
  • 阅读量:174
  • 价格:7800.00 元/台 起
  • 产品规格:JZ-22010C
  • 产品数量:368.00 台
  • 包装说明:纸箱包装
  • 发货地址:浙江温州乐清市乐成街道  
  • 关键词:JZ-22010C,JZ-22010D,JZ-22020B



     目    录 List  一、概 述     Summarization 二、工 作 原 理     Mechanism 三、技 术 指 标     Technique Indexes 四、模 块 特 点     Module Characteristics 五、模 块 结 构 和 功 能     Module Configuration and Functions 六、使 用 方 法     Usage Method 七、注 意 事 项     Notes 八、简 单 故 障 处 理     Trouble Shooting 九、售 后 服 务          After-Sales Service      
    一、概述Summarization    目前我国发电厂和变电站正在大规模改造直流系统的电源设备,过去采用的相控电源和磁饱和式电源存在稳压、稳流精度差、纹波系数大及对输入电网谐波污染大等缺点,已经不能满足我国电力工程发展的需要。而被体积小、重量轻效率高、噪声小、稳压稳流精度高、响应速度快的高频开关电源逐步取代,并且可以方便的实现“四遥”功能和N+1冗余备份,使得电力直流系统运行更可靠。JZ-22010C型高频开关电源模块是集九洲公司多年开发生产经验,为电力直流系统开发的高科技产品,满足现代电力市场的需求。    Nowadays, power plants and transformer substations are reforming DC system power-supply equipments in our country. The phase-modulated and magnetism-saturation power-supplies have many disadvantages including low precision in stabilizing voltage or current, high ripple coefficient, heavy pollution of harmonic to input electric network, etc. and cannot meet the demands of the development of our electric power engineering. With low noise, high precision in equalizing voltage or current, and high speed of responding, the little and light high-frequency switch power-supply has been popular by and by. It can perform the “four remote” functions and setup N+1 redundancy backup conveniently, which make electric power DC system running more safely. JZ-22010C high-frequency switch power-supply module is high-tech product developed by Jiuzhou Co. for electric power DC system to meet the demands of modern electric power market with its years of production experience. 二、工作原理Mechanism  JZ-22010C型高频开关电源模块采用了全桥移相式脉宽调制软开关控制技术,使得模块效率进一步提高,谐波减小。模块采用交流三相三线制380VAC平衡输入方式,不存在中线电流损耗。模块交流输入经过尖峰抑制电路和EMI吸收电路,经全桥整流滤波电路将三相交流电压整流为脉动的直流电压,由高频全桥移相式脉宽调制变换器将脉动的直流电压变换成高频方波电压,再由输出整流滤波电路,得到稳定的输出电压和电流,在电网电压和负载发生变化时反馈调整电路控制移相脉宽调制电路,使得输出电压和电流保持稳定。 
    JZ-22010C high-frequency switch power-supply module is produced with the advanced techniques of full-bridge phase-shifting PWM soft switch control. Its efficiency is enhanced and its harmonic is minished. The module inputs current with the equilibrium AC ternary-phase 3-line 380VAC so that there is no wastage in middle line. It input current through peak-restricting circuitry and EMI absorber circuit, and full bridge rectifier-filter circuit which change the ternary-phase AC voltage into pulsed DC voltage, then trough high-frequency full-bridge phase-shifting PWM which change the pulsed DC voltage into high-frequency quadrate-wave voltage. At last, through output rectifier-filter circuit, the stabilized voltage and current is outputted. Even when the electric network’ voltage and load change, the voltage and current can keep stable because the feedback-modulating circuit control phase-shifting PWM circuit. 三、技术指标Technique Indexes 1. 工作环境温度: -10~45℃    Surrounding Temperature: -10~45℃ 2. 工作环境湿度: ≤90%PH无结露    Surrounding Humidity: ≤90%PH without dew  3. 工作环境高度: ≤2000m海拔    Surrounding Height: ≤2000m above sea level 4. 交流输入电压:  323~475VAC    AC Input Voltage: 323~475VAC 5. 交流输入频率:  50±10%    AC Input Frequency: 50±10% 6. 整定输出电压:  243VDC    Rectified Output Voltage: 243VDC 7. 输出电压范围:  243VDC    Output Voltage Range: 243VDC 8. 额定输出电流:  10ADC    Rated Output Current: 10ADC 
    9. 输出电流范围:  1.5~10ADC连续可调    Output Current Range: 1.5~10ADC continuous adjustable 10. 稳压精度:   ≤±0.2%     Precision of Stabilizing Voltage: ≤±0.2% 11. 稳流精度:   ≤±0.2%    Precision of Stabilizing Current: ≤±0.2% 12. 纹波系数:   ≤±0.2%     Ripple Coefficient: ≤±0.2% 13. 并机不均流度: ≤±3%(单只模块电流大于0.5A) Disequilibrium Degree of Parallel-connected Modules:                   ≤±3% ( single module’s current >0.5A) 14. 输入欠压保护: 323±10VAC     Input Voltage below Limit Protection: 323±10VAC 15. 输入过压保护: 475±10VAC     Input Voltage over Limit Protection: 475±10VAC 16. 输出过压保护: 295±5V     Output Voltage over Limit Protection: 295±5V 17. 输出限流保护: 10.5A     Output Current Limit Protection: 10.5A 18. 模块过热保护: 85±5℃     Module Overheat Protection: 85±5℃ 19. 效率:    92% Efficiency: 92% 四、模块特点Module Characteristics 1. 交流输入范围宽:323~475VAC Wide range of input AC: 323~475VAC 2. 先进的全桥移相式软开关控制技术,使得主开关管损耗进一步降低,模块效率提高。 Advanced technology of full-bridge phase-shifting soft switch control makes 
    the tube loss of main switch reduced and efficiency of module improved. 3. 先进的无源PFC技术: 更好地抑制高次谐波,功率因数可达0.92。    Advanced PFC technique: high-frequency harmonic can be restricted better, and power factor can be up to 0.92. 4. 先进的无级调流技术:可以根据负载电流或电池容量,无级调节限流值。    Advanced stepless modulating technique: it can steplessly modulate current limit values according to load current or battery’s capacitance. 5. 先进的民主均流电路:采用先进的**均流芯片,在小电流下仍达到好的均流效果。 Advanced self-controlled current dividing circuit: with advanced current dividing chip, the current can be divided well even when it is very low. 6. 多级保护电路:输入级采用双臂逐个脉宽保护电路,输出双电流环双重保护,确保整个系统在异常情况下可靠保护。    Multi-protection circuit: output steps are composed of double-arm gradual pulse protection circuit, and with the double-protection of output current limit and over current, it can be ensured that the whole system is protected well under abnormal conditions. 7. 独立工作能力:模块在脱离监控的情况下,可以独立或并机正常工作。    Independent running ability: modules can run normally by itself or connected to other machines in parallel without being monitored 五、模块结构和功能Module Configuration and Functions 1.1 模块尺寸 Size of Module 1. 模块尺寸:460×270×148 Size of Module: 460×270×148 2. 前面板尺寸:310×180 Size of Front Panel: 310×180 1.2 前面板说明 Front Panel Instruction 1. 前面板如图一。 
    Front Panel: See Fig. 1 2. 输入指示灯(绿色):当模块有交流输入时,此指示灯被点亮,表示模块有交流输入。 Indicator light of input (green): it is lightened when the module inputs AC, which means AC inputs into the module.         图一  前面板示意图 Fig. 1 View of Front Panel 3. 输出指示灯(绿色):当模块有输出电压时,此指示灯被点亮,表示模块有直流输出。 Indicator light of output (green): it is lightened when the module outputs voltage, which means the module outputs DC. 4. 模块故障指示灯:当模块出现停机、输入过压、输入欠压、输出过压、输出欠压、模块过热、模块过流任何一种情况时模块故障指示灯被点亮 Indicator light of alarm: it is lightened when any of the following cases happens, including shutdown, input over voltage, input below voltage, output over voltage, output below voltage, module overheat and module over current.  5. 电压调节:手动调节单台模块的输出电压,输出电压调节范围198~286VDC连续可调。 Voltage control: manually control the output voltage of single module, with the continuous control range of output voltage from 198 to 286VDC. 输入指示Input Indication 把手handle  输出指示 Output Indication 模块告警 Module Alarm 电压调节Voltage Control JZ-22010C 九洲电气Jiuzhou Electric 
    1.3 后面板说明Back Panel Instruction 1. 后面板如图二。 Back Panel: see Fig.2       图二   后面板示意图  Fig. 2 View of Back Panel 2. 三相交流输入端:三相交流电压输入端,无相序要求。     Three phase AC input: three phase AC voltage input with no phase sequence requirement.  3. 直流输出端:有正、负之分,正、负分别由两根并联。1脚和2脚位输出正,3脚和4脚位输出负。     DC output: it has positive end and negative end, which are connected with 2 wires in parallel respectively. Pin 1 and Pin 2 refer to positive output, and Pin 3 and Pin 4 refer to negative output. 4. 模块控制口:多台模块并联时,此控制口以并连方式连接。     Module control port: it is connected in parallel when more than one module is in parallel connection. 5. 均流控制口。多台模块并联时,此控制口以并连方式连接     Current equalizing control port: it is connected in parallel when more than one module is in parallel connection. 1.4 模块控制口说明 Instruction of Module Control Port 控制口采用标准的15针D型插座,通过这个控制口可以实现对模块的遥控、遥调等控制,模块控制口具体使用方法如下: 交流输入 AC input 均流控制口current equalizing control port 模块控制口module control port 直流输出DC output 
    The control ports have standard 15-needle D-type sockets, through which modules can be controlled and modulated remotely. The detailed usages of these ports are as follows: 1. 控制口公共端:其他控制口电压以此控制口为参考。    Common of control port: voltages of other control ports should common to it. 2. 保留备用。Reserved 3. 输出电压调整端:对此端口外加 -5V~+5V范围内的电压,可以使输出电压在198V~286V范围内调节。 Port of modulating output voltage: to give voltage ranging from -5V~+5V to this port can make output voltage ranging by198V~286V. 4. 保留备用。Reserved 5. 保留备用。Reserved 6. 保留备用。Reserved 7. 保留备用。Reserved 8. 模块告警输出端:此端口为集电极输出,端口功耗20V5mA。当模块内电路报警时,此端口为低电平。 Output port of module alarm: this port outputs through collector with 20V5mA power. It is in low logic level voltage when the circuit in the module alarms. 9. 保留备用。Reserved 10. 保留备用。Reserved 11. 软关机控制端:对此端口加+5V10mA的高电平,模块关机,停止工作。 Control port of soft shutting: inputting +5V10mA high level voltage ** can make the module stop running. 12. 保留备用。Reserved 13. 保留备用。Reserved 14. 保留备用。Reserved 15. 保留备用。Reserved 六、使用方法Usage Method 
    1. 手动调节模块输出电压:根据用户需要在脱离监控的情况下,通过调节模块前面板上的电压调节电位器,调节模块到*输出电压值。 Manually modulating module’s output voltage: customer can give any value of output voltage according to his need through modulating the voltage adjustor on the front panel when the module is off the monitoring. 2. 监控系统调节模块输出电压:根据用户需要,通过调节模块控制口的控制电压,能够调节模块到*输出电压值。     Manually modulating module’s output voltage: customer can give any value of output voltage according to his need through modulating control voltage of module control port. 七、注意事项 Notes 1. 模块的输入、输出、均流控制和模块控制端口接触一定要良好,并且使有锁紧功能的端子锁紧。    The contact among ports of module’s input, output, current-dividing control and module control must in good shape, and must be locked by the lock terminal. 2. 多机并联使用时,输出端子汇流线越短越好,不可用长线汇流。建议使用汇流排。     The junction wire should be as short as possible, when many machines run in parallel connection. Junction board is preferred. 3. 多机并联组成系统时,所有模块输出负极端必须直接相连,彼此之间不许安装加有开关、二极管等元件。    When more than one machines are connected in parallel to set up a system, all the modules’ cathodes must be connected directly without any element such as switch or diode between them. 4. 模块运行时,不要用异物挡住模块的自然冷却风道。    Don’t cover the natural cooling duct when module running 八、简单故障处理Trouble Shooting 1. 模块输出电压不正确:通过调节模块前面板上的电压调节电位器,调节
    到正确输出电压值。     The value of output voltage is not correct: modulate the voltage adjustment on the front panel to get the correct value. 2. 模块上电后便过压保护:手动调节输出电压**过过压保护值或模块控制口输出电压调节端输入电压过高。     Module starts voltage-over limit protection after being powered: manually modulate output voltage till the value is more than that of voltage-over limit protection. This trouble may also rise when the output voltage-modulation end of the module control port inputs over limit voltage. 3. 输出电压不稳:检查输入电压是否波动**过允许范围或负载严重突变。        Output voltage is not stable: check the input voltage to see if it fluctuate beyond the sustain range, or if the load fluctuate continuously and greatly 4. 模块无输出电流:检查模块输入是否正常,直流输出线是否断路。     No output current: check the module to see if the input is normal or the DC output wire is cut off. 5. 模块不均流:检查模块均流线插接是否可靠。 Module current is not equalizing: check if the connection of module equalizing current is right. 九、售后服务 After-Sales Service JZ-22010C型高频自冷开关电源模块自售出之日保修一年。保修期内,模块出现非人为性故障,免费维修。保修期过后,模块出现故障,只收元件成本费。     JZ-22010C high-frequency self-cooling switch power-supply module is guaranteed to keep in good repair for 1 year since the day when it is sold. During the year, it can be repaired free if the failure isn’t caused by person’s wrong action; and after the year, only the elements’ cost is charged.
    欢迎来到乐清市琪德成套柜体配件有限公司网站, 具体地址是浙江省温州乐清市乐清市乐成镇市岭生态工业园,联系人是方金成。 主要经营一次插件、二次插件、绝缘子、垂直母线夹、操作手柄、推进机构、JSXGN联锁机构、防护进线罩等各种成套柜体配件。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 1000 - 5000 万元。 价格战,是很多行业都有过的恶性竞争,不少厂家为了在价格战役中获胜,不惜以牺牲产品质量为代价,而我们公司坚决杜绝价格战,坚持用优质的原材料及先进的技术确保产品质量,确保消费者的合法利益。